Wednesday 16 January 2019

List Discussion- Secret Society, Rogues edition

Hi all, today we've got a little bit of a different list, because it isn't Brave and the Bold. This list is a Secret Society list, and the team itself has been the subject of a lot of discussion recently regarding its balance in the game overall, but this list is something I feel is more in the spirit of friendly play rather than an optimised list. As in the title, this list is themed around the Rogues and villains of the Flash in general. I've long wanted to play as many Flash villains as I could, so previously I played this as various Freeze lists with prisoners to fill points, but now in Society I can run a far more thematic list and still function. Until the day Central City Villains ceases to be Gorilla City Villains, this is where my Rogues will stay for the most part. Without further ado, here is the list!

The Society Crew

Models: 5
Reputation: 335/350
Funding: 1450$/1500$

[Boss][F] Reverse Flash(TV) [110/0$]

[F] Captain Cold [72/400$]

[F] Heat Wave [65/300$]

[F] Killer Frost [40/150$]
-Followers [0/400$]

[F] Captain Boomerang (Suicide Squad) [48/200$]

The only model I haven't already previously discussed in this list is Killer Frost, and really she's in there for a fringe connection to Flash rather than anything else. Her Stop!, as a Brave and the Bold player primarily, is of such great value to me that I'm a huge fan of taking her (in Suicide Squad as well) but as an Acrobat she has a good role in my list for a second high defence model that can grab objectives quickly with Reverse Flash. The other 3 move up as a firebase of sorts, shooting at anything that gets too close and then bunkering on objectives. With all the debuffs across the crew and the damage output I think this will be a halfway decent crew while sticking to theme, although I am yet to try it out seriously. 

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